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ISBN: 9780470855089
As environmental concerns have focussed attention on the generation of electricity from clean and renewable sources, wind energy has become the world's fastest growing energy source. The authors draw on substantial practical experience to address the technical, economic and safety issues inherent in the exploitation of wind power in a competitive electricity market. Presenting the reader with all the relevant background information key to understanding the integration of wind power into the power systems, this leading edge text: Presents an international perspective on integrating a high penetration of wind power into the power system Offers broad coverage ranging from basic network interconnection issues to industry deregulation and future concepts for wind turbines and power systems Discusses wind turbine technology, industry standards and regulations along with power quality issues Considers future concepts to increase the penetration of wind power in power systems Presents models for simulating wind turbines in power systems Outlines current research activities Essential reading for power engineers, wind turbine designers, wind project development and wind energy consultants dealing with the integration of wind power systems into distribution and transmission networks, this text would also be of interest to network engineers working for power utility companies dealing with interconnection issues and graduate students and researchers in the field of wind power and power systems.