Service Program reset SC-F500 F570 F571 F573 T3100 T3170 T3170X T3400 T5400
This program is used to repair:
Reset the internal counters for out-of-stock parts
Request maintenance: Change parts soon 00000001
maintenance: end of useful life of parts 00010000
Request maintenance: Change parts soon 00000004
maintenance: end of useful life of parts 00040000
Request maintenance: Change parts soon 00000008
maintenance: end of useful life of parts 00080000
maintenance: end of useful life of parts 00090000
maintenance: end of useful life of parts 00000009
maintenance: end of useful life of parts 000C0000
maintenance: end of useful life of parts 0000000C
camosystemsreset. com/f570 +573133675937
(oferta, venta)
US$ 50.00